We had our second rainy day since we started the trip, used the day to catch up on things, and the girls worked on a cool “save the planet” project led by Bella.

It was a windy morning today, I had to get up in the middle of the night to close the awning completely as I had left it a bit open over night. The wind was pushing it and making noise, and rocking the trailer a bit, so I got it closed before something happened to it. I had a hard time falling asleep again from there. The rest of the early morning routine was as usual. Bella and Bia got going and were poised to finish school early so they could have some electronics time. We usually open the curtains around 7am, or whenever it is bright out already, so the lights from our trailer don’t bother anyone (yes, we try to be good neighbors). When we did it today we could see the trees moving a lot from the wind. There’s a smaller tree near our site that was bending quite far, and when the wind hit it hard our trailer would shake too. I’m surprised there was not more stuff flying around all over, but also glad because I didn’t want anything hitting our stuff and damaging anything. It rained pretty much all day, just varying intensity of how much, and how windy it was.
My foot was sore again today, even more than yesterday, so this rainy day came in handy (or footy?) so I give it time to heal.
Carol went grocery shopping and worked on lunch when she got back. The girls were pretty much done by lunch time.
I had a work call early in the morning, then did some work and another call. I used the rest of the day to continue catching up on posts, reservations, etc. We now have reservations for the next 2 months, and should be back in our cadence of moving Wednesdays and Sundays right after we leave San Francisco.
Bella started a project and Bia joined her later. It was a “world club”, to clean up the roads, streets and ocean from trash. They created invites, zoom meetings, attendance sheets, pamphlets and invites. Super awesome. Spent hours and hours on it. They didn’t show us everything yet, but they were collaborating, discussing ideas, testing links, researching online and writing on some google docs, etc. It was so nice to see them working together, excited about something, and even better that it was all about helping, and cleaning the planet, and being mindful. Bella has said a few times now that she wants to pick a day, get some bags and go clean roads because that garbage ends up in the ocean and it kills animals. I told her that are some organized groups that do it, so we’ll see what we can find to volunteer in the coming weeks.

We had a little break from the rain, and the sun even came out for a bit. It was still all wet and windy, so we stayed in, but I got a decent picture of the sun setting.

Carol left to do some shopping and I stayed with the girls to do some clean up and made dinner. Dinner was going to be taking the potatoes and beef stew from lunch and turning it into a soup with some noodles. I got it! It turned out great. By time Carol came back, we were ready to eat. The girls loved it, and Bia even had seconds. Yes! Carol now said I am in charge of “leftover” soup. Hahahaha.
Close to the end of the afternoon we were all done with our things and decided to watch a movie. Some of our electronics were not connecting to the campground wifi again, so Carol made a few trips to the office to be in range of whatever access point is needed for that and got them going again. The TV was not connecting either, so Bia and her took the TV there too hahahahalll just a funny thing to think we just unhook the TV from the wall, put it in the car, use the car’s 110V plug to power the TV, then turn it on and get the wifi going. Hahahah. It works!
We finished the day just watching TV and laughing. Not too bad of a rainy day.