Today we had a nice and relaxing Mother’s Day.

Everyone went to bed late last night, with kids going to bed around midnight and some of us around 1 again. This meant we’d all be waking up a bit later, well, it should have meant that. I got up around 6:30am to use the bathroom, and Maggie started making noise, so Carol had to get up and take her outside. She then slept on the couch in the living room from there. I went back to bed to try to sleep a bit more, but was not able to really sleep. I snoozed on and off for another hour or so, then just decided to get up. Bella woke up at the same time, so we got out of the room together. Carol, Bella and I had slept in Vi’s bed again. As we got out, Carol was sleeping in the living room couch yet, Flavia was up with Charlie and Ricardo had left to get breakfast stuff.
I congratulated Flavia for Mother’s Day and started cleaning up the kitchen, putting dishes away, washing whatever was left out, etc. Little by little all the kids woke up and came down, and soon there was enough noise that Carol ended up waking up. The kids actually started playing “Just Dance” and were having a lot of fun.

Ricardo arrived soon after with a bunch of things from the brazilian market, fresh French bread, cold cuts, sweets, etc. Flavia decided to put the dining room table outside and setup breakfast there. It turned out really nice. The weather was warm but not too hot and it was not too humid either. Janete did not come down at all today as her back had flared up. She has some disk problems and was in so much pain she could not get out of bed. We got the table set outside, with the table extensions, put all the chairs out and got everyone down and sitting. Isac joined us too and we had a nice mother’s day breakfast together.

When we were done, the kids got the gifts they made or got for their moms. Flavia got a very fancy rose bouquet thing, with gold and everything. Carol got some handmade cards with messages the girls wrote all on their own. I didn’t have a chance to get out and get something, I usually get her at least flowers, but I’ll have to make it up to her later. After the gifts, I started putting things away, dishes, etc and we got things setup to enjoy a pool day outside.

Ricardo took a nap on the bench seat outside while we cleaned up. I don’t know how he can sleep like that, but he did. Carol changed and went to the pool, then got kids sunscreen as they got out. Flavia was back and forth with her mom, kids, getting ready, etc. Eventually, we all got outside and enjoyed a relaxing afternoon by the pool.

The kids were having popsicles all afternoon. The moms were having their drinks of choice, and even tried some frozen margarita that comes in a little frozen packet. Our lunch was some snacks and sfihas Carol had made yesterday, they were yummy. The pool actually felt a bit colder than days before, maybe because there was a bit of a colder breeze too, so it felt a bit colder. But it was still pretty refreshing. The kids made some slime with the contents of a clean diaper. hahahah… Flavia signs up for anything, so when Bia asked, she was like ok, let’s do this. hahahaha.

Through the day, we sent messages to our mom friends. I talked to Dede, then my mom, sister and family. Carol talked to her parents and siblings too. Sometime late afternoon, Flavia and Carol took a nap by the pool. There is a shaded area on one of the sides of the pool, a bit closer to end of day, so they just setup a spot there and relaxed there.
Flavia had chosen to have sushi for dinner, which is a popular choice with the kids too, so they put in an order and around 6 Ricardo and I went to the place to pick it up. The sushi place is close by in a little strip mall, and it actually is pretty nice inside. We had a beer while we waited and chatted. We had just enough time to finish the beer and the food was ready, so we left.
Once we were back, Flavia had already set the table so we all sat down together again and had some very good sushi. After dinner, the kids played by the pool a bit more, and then we had them get out and start getting ready to go. Everyone has school tomorrow, so we wanted to be home around 8-8:30.
The kids were having a lot of fun, and they just were so happy being together, it was hard to say bye today. But, we got our stuff loaded, kids ready and left close to when we wanted. After we got home, the kids brushed their teeth, I showered and we all went to bed around 9. I was pretty tired from not sleeping well or enough, or both, over the weekend, so I was looking forward to resting in my bed, with a colder temperature and the mattress I’m used to.

We had a nice and relaxing mother’s day, and we let the mom’s relax and not worry about anything else, they deserve it! S2