We had a nice day back in school, and checking out downtown Winter Garden.

This was a cold night, with temps at 55F, and I didn’t turn the furnace on, but again, it is good for sleeping. Also, as I made my coffee this morning we ran out of milk, so I had my first with the last few drops and my second cup with powdered milk. Then after Carol was up I went to the store quick and got milk and bread for the girls. After I got back from the store I went for a run around the campground. This time I think I hit all the little side streets and now can say the perimeter here is a bit over 4 miles. It was a nice run again, no need to stop anywhere, no dogs chasing me even though there were many dogs out on leashes. After I got back from my run the girls were all set and going with school. I had laid out their computers, and had the printer out for Carol to print Bella’s work, and that was all done. Bella was throwing some attitude about how things were printed, and then about having too much work. We had to put a stop to it before it got too far, and she got “a talk” by Carol and I separately and stopped it and continued her work. Bia had no problems with school, but seemed a bit spacey. She was not playing around or doodling or anything, but seemed to be just there with the headphones on but not actually paying attention. The girls got most of their work done before we left, leaving only one thing each to finish later.
Carol spent the morning cleaning up, putting things away, folding laundry and putting away, organizing the pantry, etc. She was a bit overwhelmed with the amount of stuff that needed to be done around here. We had been coming in and out and staying at Calinas so things piled up here. My 10am call did not happen, so I got things ready to leave right after my noon call. I had a paid call at noon, and that ended at 12:45 so we got everyone ready and were out by 1.

Our plan was to go try to get a vaccine today, at a walk in vaccine site by Valencia Community College. It’s a 45 minute drive there, and Bia had class while we drove there. Carol was not sure if she wanted to try today, but I did. I say try because there was no guarantee they’d still have it, and also that we could get it without Florida IDs. I have a few documents with Ricardo’s address and my name on it that I’m going to try to use. When we got to the site, they had signs saying they were done with 1st shots for the day and only applying second shots. Bummer. Later I read that they changed those sites to apply the Jonhsons vaccine, which is a one shot vaccine, and only apply the Pfizer for second shot people. They also lowered the age to 18, so we’ll have to go there as they open to get a chance, but I’ll need to confirm my documents would work before we make that trip. Since we could not get the vaccine we decided to drive to downtown Winter Garden and check it out. I had scheduled a meeting with a realtor there for 4pm, and we got there at 2:30, so we walked around.

The downtown is super nice, very cute, cozy, not too busy, it was really cool. We walked around downtown then walked towards the lake and back. I really enjoy just walking around with the girls, we always have quality time, have nice conversations and bond. Bia was walking with Carol, and Bella was with me. We walked for almost an hour, then stopped at a Mexican restaurant that had sitting outside. I got some chips and salsa, which were great, and got the girls some soda, and Carol and I beers. We enjoyed that very much. The realtor arrived 15 minutes late, but he came and we chatted about what potential investments in real estate here could look like, what works and doesn’t, what pitfalls are, etc. It was good to talk to him, and now Carol and I have a good idea of what the options would be. I think we’re willing to try something, so we’ll mature this idea more. After the realtor left, Calina’s joined us there for dinner. The spot is really nice and the weather was great, just warm enough but not too hot. The kids had a great time and the adults too. We chatted, laughed and enjoyed being together for dinner.

After dinner, we all drove home. When we got home it was around 8:30, so the kids showered and got ready for bed, and were in bed just after 9. I was pretty tired too, so I went to bed soon after. Carol finished a few things and went to bed as well, earlier than usual. I think we are still catching up from not sleeping a lot for many days when everyone was around. Oh, and today I got the email that my stolen iPhone claim was approved, and I should get the phone in another day or two, and it could be here tomorrow. Yay!
We had a nice day in Winter Garden, walked around downtown and enjoyed the company of our friends for dinner.