We have another travel day today, still going towards South Padre Island. Today we go from Del Rio to Kingsville, which is almost all the way to South Padre Island, so on Friday we’ll have a shorter trip, just a little over 2 hours.

It had been a while since we slept with only fans on, but that’s how it was last night, and we had the bathroom vent open as well. It was a nice and cool night. I slept good, but woke up around 5 to use the bathroom and could not fall asleep again. Oh, and my armpit was itching again, maybe the tigther T-shirt was not helping with the warmer weather, so I’ll make sure to wear more loose ones until this goes away. Once I got out of bed, I tried to write a bit, again just the main points, and then started putting things away so we could leave early. Carol was up around 7, and we were making noise, so the girls were up soon after as well. They chose not to even try to login to school before we left, so I packed their things in my back pack again, and they planned to do work in the truck. It was drizzling outside, so I wanted to close the slide out ASAP to make sure we didn’t have a ton of water coming inside, so we pulled it in before the girls got out of bed. There was just a bit of water dripping from the tracks down to the floor, but we were ready with two towels and had them there to catch the few drips. With the slide out in, I continued getting things ready outside, and getting wet too. All the packing away was as usual, with the exception everything was wet, and I had stepped on my sewer hose yesterday, so it now has a section that is oval rather than round. Hahahah…. But no further damage to it. Carol wrapped up the inside, kids got ready and ate, and we were out right by 9am.
Our drive was pretty easy, just flat highways and smaller country roads. Actually some of those roads here are called “FM”, which I read somewhere it means Farm to Market, or as they call it in Wisconsin, back country roads. :). The drizzle got more intense and continued on for a few hours, which sucked, because instead of a nice rain washing down whatever the road lifted up, the drizzle just caused all the crap from the road to fly everywhere, so now the truck and trailer are dirtier than before we washed them yesterday. Dang it! Or I should say “Dimmit”! hahahaha… I had to laugh as I saw a “Dimmit County Line” sign on one of the roads on our way, exactly how I feel about all the dirt we have now. We made a few pit stops, stops for fuel, and in one of them Carol got some food at their fresh mart. The trip was good otherwise. The girls worked on school work, and this time Bella did more than Bia, and got a good amount of work done. She would say to Bia “Bia, remember what daddy said, if we are not done with school work by time we get to the beach, we’ll have to be in the trailer doing work instead of playing at the beach”. Yes, that’s the spirit!

We got to our campground in Kingsville, TX around 3pm I think. It was over 80F (we hit some areas on the way here that were 88), and very windy. We already had a spot assigned and since no-one was at the front desk, we just went to our spot 50 and parked. All the sites here are very large, enough to have the truck and trailer connected and still have plenty of room, and lots of side room too. It’s just not very well kept, as there was tall grass around many sites, but it’s fine for a night. We got disconnected and as I connected the water, I tried to hose down the trailer and truck to see if all that dirt would just come off, and it didn’t! That sucked. They are dirtier than before, and pretty nasty dirty. Oh well, another wash is in the near future. After we got all situated, the girls continued working on school work. I went to the office to settle the tab, and paid the $30 for our one night stay, not bad, especially since their wifi here is actually really good too. When I got back, Carol left to town to get groceries and do some shopping.

I stayed with the girls, and worked on writing and posting. I actually got to finish 2 days of writing, and posted one day, and queued up another for tomorrow. Bia continued watching her classes, and Bella got pretty much all her math done. Bella and I had some conversation about math. She wanted help, but her help was me telling her what the answer was because she didn’t know. I sat with her and asked her if she watched the videos about the topic (she had turned them in, as if she had), and NOT to my surprise, she acknowledged that she had not. So, I told her to watch the videos now, then finish the work, and if she had questions to ask. She did so, and finished all her math work, and only got like 4 questions wrong out of 25. Ha! She was trying to take the easy way out… gotta watch it with that little one. We all got far enough by time Carol got back, then we stopped. Oh, and I had the AC on today! hahaha… mainly because it is a bit humid and muggy, and it’s too windy outside.

Carol got back and I helped her unload. She got dinner going, and we put things away so she could open her new toy… she got a new small vacuum for the trailer and is all excited about it. She could not wait to get it running. Even the girls got excited. Hahahahaha. With dinner and dishes out of the way, we all showered and got ready for bed. Girls were in bed by 9, and I went not much later than that. Carol stayed up working on the puzzle that’s been on the table now for a few says, she’s addicted. Bella did write another song today too.

And that wrapped up our moving day. Actually felt a bit more normal and feels like we are getting caught up.