Tag: rving

Day 27 – 9/26 Yellowstone northern loop, Mammoth Springs and Lamar Valley

Today is our last full day here, and tomorrow we head to Helena, MT on our way to Glacier.  We have ambitious plans today, wake up no later than 8, to leave by 9 and we’ll do the upper loop…

Day 26 – 9/25 Virtual School, Park and Netflix

I think today was the first time in a while that my alarm woke me up (at 6:30am), as I usually wake up before the alarm.  Bia also woke up with her own alarm, second day in a row now,…

Day 25 – 9/24 Yellowstone: Norris Geyser Basin, Grand Canyon of Yellowstone and Hayden Valley

We had a really nice day today.  Bia was up in a great mood and quick as she had set an alarm for herself and woke up right away, and got going.  Bella took longer to wake up, but once…

Day 24 – 9/23 Virtual School and West Yellowstone

We didn’t go on any adventure today.  It was a tough day for the kids around school work and they took quite a while to get all the work done, so by time they were done it was 3pm and…

First month of our RV trip – Our Stats

I wanted to make a post with stats and tidbits about our first month on the road, and some of the stuff we did for prep as well, so here we go.   4,317 miles driven, averaging 33 mph (6.948…