Site icon Carolina Stefano

Day 71 – 11/9 Table Bluff County Park

We went to Table Bluff County Park and had a great time enjoying this beautiful almost deserted, Mad Max looking beach, with the sun setting and kids making forts from the washed up wood.

Our morning routine started good, girls got going early, even Bella was up a bit earlier on her own and got started.  But, with a playground close to our site, things slowed down from there.  Bella took constant breaks, and didn’t get things done as fast as she could have.  They did their things on their own mostly, but just took a while.

I good some work done and went on a bike ride. 

I rode on hwy 101 south, and went all the way to King Salmon, which is a bit over 12 miles from here. 

Once I got into town, there were signs to a bike trail, so I followed and ended up riding on a trail by the shore for a while.  It’s more like docks and fishing stuff, so not pretty beaches, but more industrial type of areas. 

The path is nice, easy to ride, but the people on it were interesting and the smell of pot was everywhere hahahahah. 

It was cold too, not too windy, but the bit of breeze was cold.  King Salmon is like a little protrude of land with maybe 5 streets, some RV parks and one restaurant. 

The map showed a beach, but it really is just a little bit of sand and some birds. hahahaha… I got some nice pics. 

I stopped there to use the restroom and also got an orange juice to fuel my ride back.  On the ride back I took 101 all the way into town, then cut in some bike lanes to ride in town rather than the highway. 

I did ride by the city’s most famous brewery, Lost Coast, but it was closed for the public due to COVID. Dang! I was looking forward to going to this one. Oh well.

It was nice riding there.  I could see some older victorian homes that looked very nice.  The ride back felt a little easier, but it was not that much warmer.  When I got back Carol and the girls were in the playground, so I thought they were all done, but nope…

Carol had just gone to the playground to talk to some kids who were being mean to Bia.  I guess they were calling Bia names, and saying silly stuff about not voting for Trump and wearing masks.. what!??  Yep.  So Carol went there to ask them to stop being mean.

Also, the girls were not done with school.  Bia had one more live class and Bella said she thought she was done, but as I reviewed with her, she had a good amount of stuff to do.  Ahhh the joy of when she fakes her way into being done but isn’t… it’s a fun rest of the day.  She was frustrated and not wanting to finish her work.  Carol was frustrated because she wanted to leave the campground and go places.  Fun time.

Carol found time to make an awesome lunch, and we loved it. It was all gone within minutes hahahah

I pushed Bella to get working.  Bia just finished her class on her own.  Bella was complaining.  She had some grammar 1 pager to do, and 2 questions on her Social Studies book.  We had had lunch and were just waiting for her to finish so we could leave.

Since Carol was frustrated and wanted to leave, I just picked a time and we left.  And Bella did not finish her work, so it’s left for tomorrow.

We had decided to go to the Loleta Cheese factory and then Table Bluff.  When I pulled that up on the GPS, it showed the cheese factory was closed permanently.  Bummer.  So we went right to Table Bluff.  It’s about a 30 min ride to get there, and as we get close the road is smaller, windy, and goes up the hill, which ends up in a cliff right in front of the ocean.  Awesome views from up there of the Long Beach shore.  We checked it out from up there for a bit, then continued driving down towards the beach. 

The beach did not look impressive from up there, and when we got down, it looked kind of messy, full of washed up tree branches and trunks. 

When we walked into the beach, the scenery warmed up a bit, the sun was setting behind the waves and we could see people had put trunks together to form little shelters.  It was very windy there, so the shelters made sense. 

The wind was going towards the sun, so the shelters blocked the wind, and would allow you to sit and look into the sun, watching the sun set behind the waves.  Pretty cool. 

At first I had not liked that mess of trees all over, but then I started liking it, felt like scenes from Mad Max. 

The girls loved the teepees, and other little houses, so they started building some of their own, and eventually improving on some existing ones. 

We walked around for a while and the girls played with the structures for quite some time. 

They were having so much fun that Bella kept asking if we could go back tomorrow. 

We spent a good 2 hours there, just enjoying and playing. 

Carol confirmed that the little structures were keeping the wind away from her when she was inside. hahahaha… good stuff.

As the sun set, we got some awesome pictures.  At one point I saw a piece of wood that looked cool and asked Carol to take a picture of it blocking the sun as I through it up in the air.  She tried a few times but could not get it in the frame. 

Then I asked her to throw it and I got it in the frame.  It turned out pretty cool.  Looks like the ghost from Pac Man is eating Pac Man. Hahahahah.  We really enjoyed being at this beach, it was just unique in how it looked and what we were doing building teepees and what not.

From there we drove back to town, and Carol wanted to check out the Old Town so we drove around there.  It’s a nice area, victorian style places, smaller streets, super cozy.  I’m sure it’s nice to walk around there in the warmer days.  Before we went back, Carol wanted to stop at a Co Op grocery store to get some things for dinners, so we did that.  She got some Sushi for the girls, and a few other things for us.

Once we were back, girls showered, we had dinner and watched some TV before they went to bed.  We continued watching A Man with a Plan, still going good.  Funny and appropriate (so far).  The kids can relate to some stuff the kids on the show do. hahaha.

After the girls went to sleep, Carol put some TV show on, and I was looking for our next stops and options.  There are more Thousand Trails options here, so I bought the membership.  Thousand Trails is a membership camping deal, where you can stay “for free” (you paid for it with your annual membership, which costs starting at $599) at most campgrounds.  There are some nicer campgrounds that require an upgraded membership, which I also did.  And you have regions to add.  I only got Southwest for now, but as we move through the states I’ll add others.  I could not book anything yet as the places are all full, so I’ll have to be calling places tomorrow to get our reservations done.

And that was it.  Kind of slower day, but we had a nice time a the beach and a relaxing end of day.

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