We had a good moving day from Key West to Naples, Florida.

I was up early on my own, around 6:30, but let everyone sleep in. I was able to get some writing done, finish yesterday and start on another day, I’m behind two days, but wanted to get going around 9 so we could leave by 11. Carol and the girls were up around 8:30. The girls wanted some electronics time, so they changed and ate breakfast first. Bia was using Bella’s iPad and Bella was using her computer. Bella can’t use her phone anymore because she forgot the screen password and it is now disabled. It says to connect to iTunes to fix, so we’ll have to do it at some point in the future, but for now, she does not have access to her phone. What will likely happen is that it will get erased and restored to the last back up it had, if any. Carol worked on getting things packed inside, and I helped a bit by putting away some of the boxes that end up on my side of the bedroom anyway. We made really good time and were rolling out of our spot by 10am. Bye bye Key West.
The drive was pretty good, flat and easy. We drove North on highway 1, then West on 41. It was nice to see all the keys again, it was a beautiful day and there were lots of boats out. There is a cool spot after Key Largo where there is a nice and big sand bank and the boats anchor right there, near the road. This time, there were a few boats with tables out in the water, grills on the tables, and even some with screen covers. It was pretty cool to watch, cool enough that traffic was slowing down there and creating a slow moving backup for like a mile behind it. Highway 41 was fun to drive through as well, it is a small highway after you pass the city, and you have swamp on either side most of the way with the Everglades, then Big Cypress and other nature preserves. There was water next to the road, and we could see alligators very often by the water, some really big ones too. I also spotted about 4-5 turtles right by the white line on the road, as if they were waiting for their turn to cross… hahahahah. We only made one stop today, around Key Largo, then drove all the way non stop.
We made it to our campground in Naples by 3pm. This area looks nice, looks clean and big. There is a shopping area right by us, with many big stores, big name brands, Walmart as well, etc. And we are really close to a lot of parks and preserves, so the list of places to check out is quite big and we’ll have a hard time chosing. Carol has a list with like 12 things, so we’ll need to figure out what we want to see and then plan out the days otherwise we won’t see much. After we arrived and checked in, we were escorted to our spot and the guy assisted with the parking, even though it is a pull through and we don’t need help with those, but that was nice anyway. Carol and I planned that I’d focus on getting the trailer setup, unhitched, etc and she’d work on food since we didn’t eat yet. The site is nice, it is level, there is a tree and all the connections were fine.

After we opened the slide out and awning, another camper parked on the side of our door, and we realize the spaces are small sideways as our awning is almost touching their slide out, and our slideout is very close to the guy on that side. But, no big deal. What is a big deal is that at check in, the lady told me this is mosquito and No-See-Ums season… crap! If we are warned it’s because it’s gotta be bad. Carol had to leave to get some tortillas for our Taco Linner (lunch + dinner), and got a big can of bug spray as well. I finished all the setup just as Carol got back from the store and finished getting our food ready. I had a chance to bike around the campground with Bia too, its small so it went quick. It was a hot day, in the high 80s, and the AC was going non stop trying to keep the inside temp at 76. We had our Tacos and then went to the pool. Carol wanted to do some stuff yet, so she went a bit later.

Bia, Bella and I went to the pool first. There were a few people there, but they were leaving, so soon enough it was just us. The water was very nice, refreshing and a tad on the warm side. Bia was playing by herself, in her own little world. Bella was with me, doing tricks, laughing, we had a great time. Carol joined us in the water and I had to share some Bella time with her too hahahahah.. Bia stayed in her world.
As the sun was setting, I decided to go shower, to avoid the little no-see-ums, so I went and the ladies stayed a little longer. After I showered I washed the dishes, and that’s about when they came back. Bella showered here and Bia and Carol went to the campground showers, which are right in front of the pool. After everyone was ready, we had the TV on, the girls were on their electronics, and I had my computer out trying to get Bella’s phone fixed. This internet kept dropping so the process kept restarting and I don’t think I’ll be able to do it here, so we’ll likely have to use Carol’s computer or do it at Ricardo’s house. We let everyone do their thing until a little after 9, and then got things rolling for bed time.

We had a nice travel time and pool time in Naples.